Thursday, April 21, 2016

Tea party at five

Pink clouds
get out of my way
I must go, this is the day!
Silk or lace?
What shade?
Smart hat, pink or lilac?
It must be soft
as the words we must speak
as the cotton-candy sky
as the solemnity of the blooms
The sweet scented petals
caressing soft
as feathery touch on the ear lobe
Taffeta on the table
ancient thin porcelain cups
hand painted blue, glazed in history
There will be delicate little poetry
made of sugar and flower
fruits of delights on crystal towers
Silver reflecting the glorious afternoon
Little bits of hair escaping the golden pin
At five o’clock
I will be having tea with the queen
she will smile at my awkward courtesy
Her best Mona Lisa smile
and I will gaze into her eyes
as if gazing the stars
The tea pot will be boiling then
and I will steam
on the mystery of the sphinx
Will it be deciphered?
Or will she devour me?
Poise, softness, grace
on glass shoes
fly or break
tic tac
and I will keep the moment
on the iron chain of the memories
at the end I will complement her china
she will tell me I can keep it
and when I bow to say good bye
she will be gone
and I will start to weep
and break the cups, the teapot, the plate
and before I leave the gate
I shall have yet a new mosaic

To Her Royal Highness Queen Elizabeth II on her 90th Birthday

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

True love: Spring love

Hail Earth, lovely Earth
Love blossoms in spring forms
Chirping creatures, distant echoes
Rushing sounds of airplanes
Blue sky, the same sky
Always opalescent in quadratic seasons
Port foundations
Of the great journey, the enigma
Grasses swaddled in blankets of myosotis
Tiny blue boons
Fattening bumblebees
Distilling in honey the sweet indigo
If only love could come back this way…
Overflowing the heart
Impregnating minds
If we could only follow the way
As  birds do
Oh dear spring
Fecund bud called love
Birthing in nuances, fragrances, in colors
If only the glory of this spring
Could rapture souls, wash wars
We would once again wash on the river,
drink from  springs
Who knows then what would say
The promised twilight
To the distant horizon


In the name of the book
The book of face
On the face of the book
Liberty faces
Apex of humanity

Together congregated
In the temple of the Titans
Hiperion and theia
The new parents

Fiber optic castle
Binary utopicallity
Of the anti-phylum
Technological monolingualism

A single mouth
Omnipresent shouting
omniscience chaos
pinnacle of  human pride

On Pandora’s profile
Smiling faces,
Pictures of blue Caribbean waters
A child in the womb
A new car
- What a mansion!
Optical happiness’s
Celebrated disgraces

Ftono likes
It’s what thea sees
But shares with kronos
Intensionally planning
To through their children
In the abysses of Gaia

From Pandora’s box
Comes all evil of the world
But the worst
Is the though
That all thoughts will fit
The same tiny box

Share, like
Oh the pain of the ignored…

Face to face claim
Babel, babel, babel

Spear your tribes to the borders
Nosce te Ipsum
Confuse with the ones that understand you

May your face
Not deface others
Don’t wake up Krono’s rage
Refuse to speak the same language

Freedom of expression
Is to express
Not to outrage other’s thoughts
What greed to consider
That we ever spoke
Or will ever come to speak
Someday the same language

The betrayed mother dreams
That Reia must give birth
The the affable interface
That will touch clicks