Monday, August 28, 2017

My visit to you

Hi dear friend
darling of mine
sister of my heart

I visit you in thoughts
in prayers
in tears
but overall, thinking of you
I visit you in smiles

I come alone,
but in my soul
this building of past
present, tomorrow
this castle of sand
of diamonds
guarded by courage,
threatened by fears
I bring the world, the ones far and near

I come to see you
sweet window
to be surrounded by your caring light
to hear the wisdom of your music

I bring you flowers
petals of poetry
from life’s garden
fresh, organic
raw blades of green hope

I bring you a chair
not to seat, but to dance around

Put your dancing shoes,
Dance Aviva,
I came to visit, because when I do
who visits me is you!

To my friend Zahara Heckscher