Tuesday, December 17, 2019

A Firefly in Columbia Heights

A firefly!
Mom why?
Why do they flash lights?
At the sound of bumble bees
Wheezing buses
Aroma of roses
Why mommy?
Why trash on the ground?

The squirrel with a naked tail 
Chase the brown one
Over an occasional nut

Mommy that man needs a bath
But mommy, he is so dirty

What’s that smell?
Trash, honey
We need to wash it mommy

She starts to sing
“- Let it go, let it go”
little hands like tiny magic wands
creating a new world

 Firefighters fly by
With screaming sirens
Gunshots echoes from Columbia Road

That’s too much noise on my ears mommy!
She seriously stands her right hand up:
- See the red hand? We must stop at the raised hand

Glimpses of wisdom
I suddenly understand
Beyond science
Why do fireflies flash their light

in Columbia Heights

Will this children's light ever shine?

by Fabiana Avila

Friday, May 10, 2019

Sistere (to stand still)

That brief moment

Our paths reach

Either our highest

Or lowest

Where do we start from?

Where are we going to?

Where in heavens will be traced

The Segment

Of our brief fragments?

Yet, when we begin

What before?

What era?


Today reaches

The solstice of a soul

The world sees immobility


A rock

But the course is changing

a new season rises

As this long wait ends

a new sitting begin

new drops form

for the next rain

new life sprout

to die and give life

again and again


as the mountain moves

beneath our feet

by Fabiana  Avila